2 Tips To Help You Choose The Right Special Education Attorney To Fight The School District

Law Blog

As the parent of a child with special needs that qualify as a disability, your son or daughter has the right to a quality, appropriate education with reasonable modifications in place to help them learn and function in an academic setting. Physical, psychiatric and learning disabilities are the most common reasons to receive special education services but other, rarer disorders may also qualify your child for services. If the school and school district is not meeting your child's needs at school and you have gone through the correct channels, it is time to speak with a special education attorney.

Know What Services Your Child Needs And When They Should Access Them

It is often surprising to learn that special education services are not an either/or situation. For example, if your child has a hearing loss that is significant enough to impair their ability to learn, speech therapy at school is a common choice. A hearing loss alone does not mean that a special education classroom is needed, but your child is eligible for services related to special education. Instead, the common choice would be to remove students from elective classes one or more times a week.

Another example would be the need to speak with a school counselor on a regular basis about personal or emotional issues. Regardless of the reason or severity of disability your child has, the school must provide them with an appropriate education, modifications and accompanying services.

Common modifications include:

  • Smaller classroom size

  • A seat close to the teacher

  • Assignments given in writing, in lieu of being provided verbally

  • Interpreters for deaf children

  • Service animals, when medically necessary

  • Large print or braille books for visually impaired children

Know What To Do When Your Child's Education Is Neglected Or Ignored

Although public schools receive funds from the federal government to provide necessary services to disabled children, they may not spend it as they should. When your son or daughter is at risk of falling behind and have not received the services they need, a special education lawyer can force them to do the right thing.

The lawyer will be able to access information related to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and will have extensive knowledge of what the school should be doing for your child. Federal law, not state or city laws, dictate your child's right to a quality education and it is easy to feel bullied by the school administrators. Having the right lawyer on your side eliminates that.

In conclusion, a special education attorney can help you advocate for your son or daughter when the school district is not providing them with the modifications or services they are legally entitled to. If you need to argue with the school district for services they are required to provide, it is a good idea to have the right attorney like one from Law Office of Mark W Voigt to argue for you.


18 August 2015

Improving My Life With A Great Lawyer

Although many people don't think of having legal counsel as improving their life, I have found that it has really helped me to feel empowered as a business owner. Without my lawyer, it was really difficult to figure out what I could say and what I couldn't say, and it really made things hard when I was out and about trying to make business deals. Fortunately, after I found the right lawyer, things became a lot more straightforward. This blog is all about improving your life and streamlining your business with the help of a great lawyer. After all, you never know when you will find yourself in court.