Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, as an employer, you are required to provide your employees with up to 12 weeks of leave without placing your employee's position in jeopardy if your employee has a family or medical problem. While this is a noble requirement, there are cases when employees fabricate a case that would qualify them for leave. For this reason, it is necessary to sometimes terminate an employee who has abused the FMLA.
21 December 2015
If you work in the health care industry, you may be painfully aware of the fact that workplace violence is on the rise. Do you know your real risks? Do you know your rights where compensation is concerned if you're assaulted on the job? Read on to learn more. How much risk are you really in? Depending on what part of the health care system you're in, the threat to your personal safety could be extreme.
3 December 2015
Being appointed executor of a will is both an honor and a huge responsibility, especially if you are a child of the deceased. Among the tasks of filing the will with the probate court and paying the estate bills, the primary task of an executor (or personal representative) is to distribute the estate according to the decedent's wishes. Some decedents use wording in their wills to indicate that the entire estate, including the family home, should be divided among several siblings, thus leaving the details of this division up to the executor.
17 November 2015
You may understand the need for legal counsel but feel under-qualified to make decisions about which firm to work with. One of the factors many people find confusing is firm size. This blog will walk you through the four main size categories of law firms and what a firm's size can mean to you. 1. Firms with 50 or More Lawyers Large law firms usually handle legal matters for businesses and organizations, but they may also take on individual clients.
29 October 2015
Paying child support can be difficult for any parent, but it can be even more challenging for parents who have disabilities that impact their ability to earn income. If you are disabled and collecting Social Security disability, however, your child may be eligible for derivative SSD payments, which may reduce the amount of money you have to pay in child support. Here's more information about this option. SSDI Derivative Benefits for Children
13 October 2015
It's easier to settle a personal injury case out of court. However, if the defendant doesn't want to settle the case out of court, you may need to go to trial. If the trial uses a jury, ideally, the jury should rely on only the facts and their understanding of the law when they are determining whether you should be awarded damages and for how much. However, given that the jury is human, emotion will often play a role in the jury's decision.
29 September 2015
Lead is a soft, malleable metal that occurs naturally in the earth's crust. When the metal builds up in your body (usually after months or years of exposure), then you may develop lead poisoning. The disease damages the brain, kidneys, and nervous system. High-level exposure may result in a fatality. Association with the Construction Industry Lead is widely used in the construction industry. It is used in making some electrical cables, removing paint and soldering.
9 September 2015
As the parent of a child with special needs that qualify as a disability, your son or daughter has the right to a quality, appropriate education with reasonable modifications in place to help them learn and function in an academic setting. Physical, psychiatric and learning disabilities are the most common reasons to receive special education services but other, rarer disorders may also qualify your child for services. If the school and school district is not meeting your child's needs at school and you have gone through the correct channels, it is time to speak with a special education attorney.
18 August 2015
Were you recently involved in an accident that was caused by a commercial truck? Do you believe the truck's driver was negligent? If so, you may be able to recover damages from either the trucking company or the company's insurance company. The first step in doing so is to send in a demand letter. A demand letter is a letter from you to the insurance company stating the facts of the accident and the damages that you suffered.
5 August 2015
Later-in-life marriages can add a great deal of joy and comfort to your life -- and without the complexities created by having young kids at home or a stressful full-time job. However, these marriages carry with them their own legal and financial concerns, particularly if either you or your spouse enter the marriage with a substantial amount of assets. How can you provide for your spouse after your death without shortchanging your children or other heirs?
22 July 2015